what i use
Below is a nearly-comprehensive list of the software that I regularly use, including under-the-hood stuff which tends to go under-appreciated. 1
Everything listed is Free and Open-Source.
- OS: Linux
- package manager: pacman
- service manager: systemd
- C library: glibc
- filesystem: ext4
- shell: zsh, bash
- display server: X.Org
- window manager: dwm
- program launcher: dmenu
- status bar: danwmstatus
- terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode, Tilda
- GUI menus: zenity
- screenshots: scrot
- clipboard: autocutsel, xclip
- backup: GNU tar
- compression: Zstandard, GNU Gzip, bzip2
- version control: git
- password management: pass
- searching: GNU findutils, ack
- identification: file
- renaming: detox
- various: procps-ng
- browser: Firefox, Chromium
- browser extensions:
- performance: NoScript
- privacy: RandomUA, Decentraleyes, Privacy Badger, HTTPS Everywhere
- advertisements: uBlock Origin, SponsorBlock
- convenience: Redirector, Dark Reader
- DHCP: dhclient (from ISC DHCP)
- DNS resolver: Unbound
- file transfers: openssh, curl, magic-wormhole
- encryption: GnuPG, OpenSSL
- mail: offlineimap, mutt
- irc: WeeChat, ZNC
- feed aggregator: newsboat
- BitTorrent: Transmission
- videos: yt-dlp
- VOIP and video calling: Jitsi Meet, uTox, Signal Desktop
- debugging: iputils
- editor: vim
- compilers: GHC, GCC, Clang, Typescript
- interpreters: Python, dash
- build system: GNU Make
- audio: PipeWire
- music: mpd
- video: mplayer
- image viewer: feh, sxiv
- audio recording: FFmpeg
- codecs: Ogg Vorbis, Opus, FLAC, Xvid, Theora, speex
- terminal multiplexer: GNU screen
- fixer: thefuck
- calendar: cal (from util-linux)
- internationalization: GNU gettext
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