fromMaybe is Just a fold

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This post assumes a basic familiarity with the Haskell programming language. I will make the examples as accessible as feasible.

fromMaybe is a useful function. Maybe is not guaranteed to hold a value, but you can always get one by providing a default to fallback on:

fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe dfault m_x = case m_x of
    Just x -> x
    Nothing -> dfault

At the interactive Haskell shell, it behaves exactly as intended:

ghci> fromMaybe "default" (Just "a string")
"a string"
ghci> fromMaybe "default" Nothing

It’s a bit wordy. If I am working with Maybe-heavy code, I sometimes alias this function to the operator //.1

x // y = fromMaybe y x

or the point-free style:

(//) = flip fromMaybe

And now:

ghci> :type (//)
(//) :: Maybe c -> c -> c
ghci> Just "one little fox" // "no animals here!"
"one little fox"
ghci> Nothing // "no animals here!"
"no animals here!"

So concise!

enter Either

Well today I was converting some Maybe code to use Either ErrorCode. This is not difficult — the strong type system makes it a pretty mechanical process. I replaced fromMaybe with this definition of fromEitherE2:

fromEitherE :: a -> Either e a -> a
fromEitherE dfault e_x = case e_x of
    Right x -> x
    Left _ -> dfault

Normally this would entail replacing the calls to fromMaybe all over the place, but since I had been using the // alias everywhere, that was all I needed to change:

(//) = flip fromEitherE

To show that it works:

ghci> Right "my cool home page" // "server error"
"my cool home page"
ghci> Left 418 // "server error"
"server error"

We get the Right value if there is one, and if not, ignore the error code and use the provided fallback value.

Sure, this works, but somehow I am dissatisfied. I expected to find a polymorphic solution that can handle both cases cleanly. After all, look at the similarities in their types:

fromMaybe   :: a -> Maybe    a -> a
fromEitherE :: a -> Either e a -> a

I wondered whether there were any other functors which exhibit the same pattern.


We can imagine extracting the first element of a list, or using a fallback if the list is empty!3

fromList :: a -> [a] -> a
fromList dfault l = case l of
    first:rest -> first
    [] -> dfault

(//) = flip fromList
ghci> [] // "no trains :v("
"no trains :v("
ghci> ["3pm"] // "no trains :v("
ghci> ["3pm","7pm"] // "no trains :v("

It is in this form that a solution becomes the most clear. We are reducing a list to a single element, an operation which shares its name with a certain bread-making technique.


A fold, in the Lisp tradition, is a function which takes a combining function, a starting value, and a list. It uses the function and starting value to walk through the list, accumulating as it goes along.

fold :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
fold f start list = recurse list
        recurse l = case l of
            [] -> start
            first:rest -> f first (recurse rest)
ghci> fold (+) 0 [1,2,3,4,5]

We could use fold to implement our fromList function — we just need a function which always returns its first argument!

const :: a -> b -> a
const x y = x
ghci> fold const 0 [1,2,3]
ghci> fold const 0 []

But lists are far from the only structures that we can fold. The Foldable type-class exists to capture the pattern of types which can be folded in some way using a function. Common examples include lists, trees, and sets.

The general version is called foldr and looks like this:

ghci> :info Foldable
class Foldable t where
  foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
  length :: t a -> Int
-- and many more...

instance Foldable Set -- Defined in ‘Data.Set.Internal’
instance Foldable [] -- Defined in ‘Data.Foldable’
instance Foldable NonEmpty -- Defined in ‘Data.Foldable’
instance Foldable Maybe -- Defined in ‘Data.Foldable’
instance Foldable (Either a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Foldable’

Wait. Instance Foldable Maybe? Yes!

ghci> length Nothing
ghci> length (Just undefined)
ghci> foldr (+) 2 (Just 2)

It’s true! We can fold both Maybes and Either as. This suggests a polymorphic solution to our puzzle:

(//) :: Foldable f => f a -> a -> a
(//) = flip (foldr const)
ghci> Just "ok" // "otherwise"
ghci> Right "ok" // "otherwise"
ghci> ["ok"] // "otherwise"

And there was much rejoicing.


One more thing.

(//) does not make sense for every Foldable. NonEmpty lists, for example, are guaranteed to hold at least one value. If we want to get the first value out of a NonEmpty, we always can! There’s no need for an “otherwise” value.

We can avoid (//) on such types by defining our own sub-class of Foldable:

class Foldable f => Optional f where
    (//) :: f a -> a -> a
    (//) = flip (foldr const)

instance Optional Maybe
instance Optional (Either e)
instance Optional []

cool, that’s it

This post was inspired by a discussion in the #haskell irc channel on, with special thanks to geekosaur and hpc. I hope you found it interesting too.

All the code examples above are available on GitLab and GitHub.

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